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Clinical Trials Search at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Intraoperative Identification and Stimulation of the Glossopharyngeal Nerve


This clinical trial evaluates different nerve patterns to the throat muscles (stylopharyngeus and pharyngeal constrictor) and what they look like in different patients by measuring and photographing them in the neck during surgery when the nerves are dissected (separated into pieces) as part of regular surgical care. Researchers think that some of the muscles in the neck might be useful for treating a condition called obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This happens when muscles of the throat relax at night and the airway becomes blocked. Blockage of airflow leads to drops in oxygen levels and can disturb sleep by forcing a persons brain to wake to restore airway muscles so they can breathe. This trial may help researchers provide a new way to treat OSA that may be better than the current standard ones.
Ceremsak, John

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