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Clinical Trials Search at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center

Thoracotomy Versus Thoracoscopic Management of Pulmonary Metastases in Patients with Osteosarcoma

Multiple Cancer Types

This phase III trial compares the effect of open thoracic surgery (thoracotomy) to thoracoscopic surgery (video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery or VATS) in treating patients with osteosarcoma that has spread to the lung (pulmonary metastases). Open thoracic surgery is a type of surgery done through a single larger incision (like a large cut) that goes between the ribs, opens up the chest, and removes the cancer. Thoracoscopy is a type of chest surgery where the doctor makes several small incisions and uses a small camera to help with removing the cancer. This trial is being done evaluate the two different surgery methods for patients with osteosarcoma that has spread to the lung to find out which is better.
Pediatrics, Sarcoma
Borinstein, Scott

Vincristine Pharmacokinetics in Infants


This pilot trial compares drug exposure levels using a new method for dosing vincristine in infants and young children compared to the standard dosing method based on body surface area (BSA) in older children. Vincristine is an anticancer drug used to a variety of childhood cancers. The doses anticancer drugs in children must be adjusted based on the size of the child because children vary significantly in size (height, weight, and BSA) and ability to metabolize drugs from infancy to adolescence. The dose of most anticancer drugs is adjusted to BSA, which is calculated from a patients weight and height. However, infants and young children have more severe side effects if the BSA is used to calculate their dose, so new dosing models have to be made to safely give anticancer drugs to the youngest patients. This new method uses a BSA-banded approach to determine the dose. Collecting blood samples before and after a dose of the drug will help researchers determine whether this new vincristine dosing method results in equivalent drug levels in the blood over time in infants and young children compared to older children.
Borinstein, Scott

Study to Learn More About the Safety and Effectiveness of the Drug VITRAKVI During Routine Use in Patients With TRK Fusion Cancer Which is Locally Advanced or Spread From the Place Where it Started to Other Places in the Body

Multiple Cancer Types

In this observational study researcher want to learn more about the effectiveness of drug
VITRAKVI (generic name: larotrectinib) and how well the drug is tolerated during routine use
in patients with TRK fusion cancer which is locally advanced or spread from the place where
it started to other places in the body. TRK fusion cancer is a term used to describe a
variety of common and rare cancers that are caused by a change to the NTRK (Neurotrophic
Tyrosine Kinase) gene called a fusion. During this fusion, an NTRK gene joins together, or
fuses, with a different gene. This joining results in the activation of certain proteins (TRK
fusion proteins), which can cause cancer cells to multiply and form a tumor. VITRAKVI is an
approved drug that blocks the action of the NTRK gene fusion. This study will enroll adult
and paediatric patients suffering from a solid tumor with NTRK gene fusion for whom the
decision to treat their disease with VITRAKVI has been made by their treating physicians.
During the study, patients' medical information such as treatment information with VITRAKVI,
other medication or treatments, changes in disease status and other health signs and symptoms
will be collected within the normal medical care by the treating doctor. Participants will be
observed over a period from 24 to 60 months.
Pediatric Solid Tumors, Pediatrics
Borinstein, Scott

Studying Health Outcomes after Treatment in Patients with Retinoblastoma, RIVERBOAT Study

Multiple Cancer Types

This trial studies health outcomes after treatment in patients with retinoblastoma. Gathering health information over time from patients and family members through vision assessments, samples of tissue and saliva, and questionnaires may help doctors learn more about what causes retinoblastoma, identify long-term health outcomes for patients with retinoblastoma, and find out which therapies may be the best for treating retinoblastoma.
Pediatrics, Retinoblastoma (Pediatrics)
Friedman, Debra

A Trial Comparing Unrelated Donor BMT With IST for Pediatric and Young Adult Patients With Severe Aplastic Anemia (TransIT, BMT CTN 2202)


Severe Aplastic Anemia (SAA) is a rare condition in which the body stops producing enough new
blood cells. SAA can be cured with immune suppressive therapy or a bone marrow transplant.
Regular treatment for patients with aplastic anemia who have a matched sibling (brother or
sister), or family donor is a bone marrow transplant. Patients without a matched family donor
normally are treated with immune suppressive therapy (IST). Match unrelated donor (URD) bone
marrow transplant (BMT) is used as a secondary treatment in patients who did not get better
with IST, had their disease come back, or a new worse disease replaced it (like leukemia).

This trial will compare time from randomization to failure of treatment or death from any
cause of IST versus URD BMT when used as initial therapy to treat SAA.

The trial will also assess whether health-related quality of life and early markers of
fertility differ between those randomized to URD BMT or IST, as well as assess the presence
of marrow failure-related genes and presence of gene mutations associated with MDS or
leukemia and the change in gene signatures after treatment in both study arms.

This study treatment does not include any investigational drugs. The medicines and procedures
in this study are standard for treatment of SAA.
Connelly, James

Renal Tumors Classification, Biology, and Banking Study

Multiple Cancer Types

Pediatrics, Wilms / Other Kidney (Pediatrics)
Benedetti, Daniel

A Study to See if Memantine Protects the Brain during Radiation Therapy Treatment for Primary Central Nervous System Tumors

Multiple Cancer Types

This phase III trial compares memantine to usual treatment in treating patients with primary central nervous system tumors. Memantine may block receptors (parts of nerve cells) in the brain known to contribute to a decline in cognitive function. Giving memantine may make a difference in cognitive function (attention, memory, or other thought processes) in children and adolescents receiving brain radiation therapy to treat a primary central nervous system tumors.
Neuro-Oncology, Pediatrics
Esbenshade, Adam

Treatment Response and Biomarker-Guided Steroid Taper for Children with GVHD

Multiple Cancer Types

This phase II trial studies the treatment response for patients with acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). GVHD occurs when donor immune cells attack the healthy tissue of a bone marrow or stem cell transplant patient. The standard treatment for GVHD is to lower the activity of the donor cells by using steroid medications such as prednisone. But steroid treatment may cause many complications and the risk of these complications increases with higher doses of steroids and longer treatment. It is important to find ways to decrease the steroid treatment in patients who do not need long courses. Researchers are doing this study to find out how many subjects respond well to lower steroid dosing based on a blood test (GVHD biomarker) and if they develop fewer complications.
Miscellaneous, Pediatrics
Kitko, Carrie

Evaluation of Immunologic Response following COVID-19 Vaccination in Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults with Cancer


This study evaluates immunologic response following COVID-19 vaccination in children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer. Vaccines work by stimulating the bodys immune cells to respond against a specific disease. The immune response produces protection from that disease. Effects from cancer and from treatments for cancer can reduce the bodys natural disease fighting ability (called immunity). Factors such as vaccine type, timing of vaccine dosing related to treatment for cancer and number of vaccine doses or boosts (extra vaccine shots) may strengthen or diminish the bodys protective immune response. This study may help researchers learn more about how the bodys immune system responds to the COVID-19 vaccine when the vaccination is given during or after cancer treatment.
Esbenshade, Adam

The Pediatric Acute Leukemia (PedAL) Screening Trial - A Study to Test Bone Marrow and Blood in Children with Leukemia That Has Come Back After Treatment or Is Difficult to Treat - A Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and Childrens Oncology Group Study

Multiple Cancer Types

This study aims to use clinical and biological characteristics of acute leukemias to screen for patient eligibility for available pediatric leukemia sub-trials. Testing bone marrow and blood from patients with leukemia that has come back after treatment or is difficult to treat may provide information about the patient's leukemia that is important when deciding how to best treat it, and may help doctors find better ways to diagnose and treat leukemia in children, adolescents, and young adults.
Pediatric Leukemia, Pediatric Lymphoma, Pediatrics
Smith, Christine

To learn more about any of our clinical
trials, call 615-936-8422.